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SCM: Source Code Management

These platforms are essentially version control and source code management (SCM) services that facilitate collaborative software development. They enable developers to host, review, manage, and share their code within a team or the public. Here are some more services that align with this pattern:

  1. GitHub - It's the most popular platform that combines social networking functionalities with source code hosting. GitHub provides access control, task management, bug tracking, feature requests, continuous integration, and wikis for every project.

  2. GitLab - Similar to GitHub but with an emphasis on open-source and private development. GitLab offers a more integrated DevOps lifecycle, providing a complete CI/CD toolchain in one application. It's available both as a hosted and self-hosted solution.

  3. Bitbucket - Owned by Atlassian, Bitbucket is known for its integration with Jira and Trello, offering more tools for project planning and collaboration. It supports Git and Mercurial and targets professional teams with advanced code review and CI/CD features.

  4. SourceForge - One of the earliest platforms, SourceForge specializes in open-source projects. It offers tools for source code hosting, but it also includes project management features, mailing lists, and downloadable statistics for each project.

  5. Azure DevOps Services (formerly Visual Studio Team Services) - This is Microsoft's cloud-based solution for source code hosting, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, testing, and release management. It supports Git repositories and provides integration with many Microsoft tools.

  6. AWS CodeCommit - A source control service hosted by Amazon Web Services that supports private Git repositories. It integrates with AWS' suite of development tools and services, making it a good choice for those heavily invested in the AWS ecosystem.

  7. Google Cloud Source Repositories - A fully managed service by Google Cloud to host private Git repositories, offering tight integration with Google Cloud's tools and services, including Cloud Build for CI/CD.

  8. Phabricator - An open-source suite of tools for software development, including source code hosting, review, and management. It's highly customizable and integrates with Git, Mercurial, and Subversion.

  9. Assembla - Specializes in offering Git, Perforce, and Subversion repositories. It's geared towards agile development and offers tools for task and issue tracking, along with integration with leading CI/CD tools.

  10. Gitea - A community-managed, lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. It's designed to be a simpler, self-hosted alternative to services like GitHub, with a focus on minimal resource usage.

  11. Codeberg - A non-profit community offering a free and open source hosted Git service. It's focused on providing a collaborative and ethical platform for software development.

These services offer varying features tailored to different aspects of the software development lifecycle, from version control and code review to continuous integration and project management. Each has its unique strengths, catering to different needs, preferences, and workflows in the development community.